Encouragement Small Business Owners Need to Hear | Wedding Photography

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Small business. Yeesh it’s a doozy. Today, I plan on encouraging as many of my fellow entrepreneurs as possible because a fellow photographer reached out and gave me the encouragement that I needed during this extremely busy and stressful week.

“Small business ins’t for the faint of heart. It’s for the brave, the patient,, and the persistent. It’s for the overcomer.” – Unknown

Everything – EVERY LITTLE THING- that you are doing day in and day out, every mundane task, every nerve-wracking meeting, every time you put your creative best out there, you are doing something braver than many others would dare. You aren’t afraid except of being afraid! Afraid to try, afraid to explore, afraid to create, afraid to overcome. You are doing enough, and unfortunately, small business has a way of making you feel like you aren’t.

Keep fighting the uphill battle because to create, it’s one of the best gifts we can give ourselves.  Keep chugging along because settling with the “what if” is not an option.  Keep picking yourself up because your vision— it is valuable!

Today is Thursday, Encourage someone. They just may need it more than you can imagine!