Philadelphia Christmas Tree Farm Photography | Maxim Family

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I just took down my Christmas tree today.  I know, it’s pretty late.  I put it off for reasons of being busy and because it was just so pretty.  I love Christmas decorations and especially lush, glimmery trees. I especially love the weeks leading up to Christmas.  There is just something electirc in the air.  

Plus… Christmas time means Christmas Tree Farm photo shoots.  NOTHING gets me more into the Christmas spirit.  I was fortunate enough to spend a crisp December evening with the Maxim family at Varner’s Tree Farm- which just so happens to be the most beautiful tree farm I have ever seen- straight out of a story book.  I loved watching James and Dylan pick the perfect tree and “attempt” to help their dad chop it down (let’s be real, parent’s… it’s all on you).  We had so much fun, and Jim and Alison even managed to sneak in a little couple photo time while the boys laughed, giggled, and photo bombed nearby.  The only thing missing from this picture perfect night was some real snow….

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Hopefully the magic of the season is still lingering in the air for you all!

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