Philadelphia Art Museum Family Photography | Lucot Family | Allie Skylar Photography

Beautiful family photos at the philadelphia museum of art

It’s always amazing to me how much families change in just a year.  Children grow, bonds get stronger, 365 days of new memories are made.  One year ago, I photographed Stephanie, Brian, Drew, and  Owen (and Matthew) in the rolling fields of Valley Forge Park.  It’s one of those sessions I will never forget, for many reasons.  Mostly, I will never forget the bond and love this family shared.  This year’s session took place at the Philadelphia Art Museum, high above the urban jungle we call downtown.  We laughed our way down the rocky steps, and Owen ran his way back up, and licked ice cream as the sun finally set.  This family, right here, they’re pretty awesome and I am so glad to continue this experience with them! Continue reading “Philadelphia Art Museum Family Photography | Lucot Family | Allie Skylar Photography”

Philadelphia Family Photography | Agger Family

main line family photography_0290I have been doing so many family shoots recently, and I am absolutely loving them.  I love seeing each family’s dynamic and I enjoy seeing how much they love each other.  It’s pretty amazing.

The Agger family had their shoot down along Boat House Row in Philadelphia and the Water Works.  Amy and Andy just recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary earlier this summer.  They have two (almost!) adult sons- Matt, who’s in high school, and David, who is heading off to college later this month- who happen to be two of the nicest teenagers I have ever met! Continue reading “Philadelphia Family Photography | Agger Family”