Newtown Square Engagement Session | Malia and Chris

philadelphia engagement photography_1542Growing up, summers meant lots of time outside.  My siblings and I would come home filthy each day, and we all knew one thing— TV was off.  Now, there was an exception to this rule.  On rainy days, when we couldn’t go outside and the threat of sibling bickering was at an all time high, my sister and I just needed to pull the Anne of Green Gables VHS from the shelf, and my mom would make the pop corn.  We would lay with the fan on high (no AC back then— at least in my house) our eyes glued to what is and always will be one of the best stories ever written.

So wait, why am I telling you about this?  It has absolutely nothing to do with Malia and Chris and their lovely engagement session, right? I promise you it does!  There is a point, so keep on reading!

You see, Anne of Green Gables is where I first heard the term “kindred spirits”.  For those of you who have not marathoned the 6 VHS set (Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea, and Anne the Continuing Story—-what are you waiting for???), a kindred spirit is is basically a person with a soul that is destined to align with your own.  Best friends, soul mates, kindred spirits, our other half.  This kindred spirit can be a friend, a family member, a love, and I am in firm belief it could be a dog as well 🙂

Malia and Chris ARE kindred spirits.  It was obvious from the second I met them.  The way Chris looks at Malia when shes laughing, the way Malia is always lightly touching Chris, the way they hug and sway together– I can’t make this stuff up.  The proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the photos.

According to Anne, you don’t often find a kindred spirit in life.  So when you do, hold them close.  Malia and Chris, I am SO glad you found one another and I cannot wait to walk this journey with you.
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