Wilmington’s Hagley Museum and Library | Stacey and Josh | Philadelphia Wedding Photography

romantic photo of bride and groom in tree lined grove at Hagley Museum

Have you ever gotten goose flesh?  I’m sure you have, but for what reason?  It scatters across my skin when I’m cold of course, but also when I hear a strikingly beautiful chord in a song, watch a dazzling scene in a movie, or stumble upon something truly remarkable in nature.  It’s a sign to me that I need to pay extra attention or I could miss something divine.  As I drove through the back gates at Wilmington’s Hagley Museum and came face to face with a tree lined grove that trailed up to an old DuPont mansion, a shiver ran up my spine and goose flesh erupted.  I knew this day, this wedding, and these two people, were something extraordinary.

Now you might think this is an incredibly odd way to open a wedding blog post, and I’m sure it is, but there is really no other way to describe the beauty that surrounded this day.  I will try, though.

When I first met Stacey and Josh last year for their engagement session, I was instantly smitten with them.  They were incredibly kind, laughed at my jokes, and came dressed like they walked out of the 50’s (which, come on, why did we ever stop dressing like that?).  I had every faith that their wedding day would be spectacular, every detail flawless, and I was right.

Let me break it down for you. Succulents.  Floor length veil. Blush color pallet.  Strings of lights.  Cascading wisteria.  Need I say more?!?  The Hagley Museum is one of my favorite venues to date.  We were threatened with rain the entire day, and luckily, it held off.  Stacey mentioned that she would have been more upset if it had rained for my sake than hers because she knew how much I would love it.  And she was right.

Stacey and Josh were married at the old Soda House Library, a glass and stone building set back from the main house in the woods.  Once vows were said and rings exchanged, we toured the grounds, for which there could never have been enough time.  There were times when it felt we had been transported to the deep south or the hills of Tuscany, with its fine stucco houses covered in lush vines.   We laughed and enjoyed the cool evening air and our sweet chaperone, Dot, gave us a private, photo filled tour.

It could have rained.  It could have poured!  Nothing could have dampened this joyful day.  Stacey and Josh, the credit is yours.  You could have been married in an alley wearing paper bags and it still would have been one of my favorite weddings (but I’m really glad that wasn’t Plan A!).

Enjoy this preview!  Video coming soon!  Continue reading “Wilmington’s Hagley Museum and Library | Stacey and Josh | Philadelphia Wedding Photography”

Pennsylvania Weddings | Kissing the Pose Goodbye | Why Un-posed is the Best

windblown bride and groom in Selinsgrove PA at the river walk

I find relief and peace knowing that I am not the right photographer for everyone. It makes me feel incredibly lucky that the couples who have chosen me have done so due to a love for my product.  They don’t book me because I’m cheap (because I am not) or because I can teach wedding guests any and every dance of the times (Whip Nae Nae, Cupid Shuffle, Wobble- I got you), although I do list that under my skill set; but rather, they book me because of the photos I produce.

Now that seems so easy, right?  Nope.  Not even a little.  I cannot just take a lovely photo of someone and call it a day.  So much prep work goes into creating these photos, much of it started months if not a year beforehand.  I cannot get results unless I have a relationship with my clients- call me awkward, but I know myself. We chat, exchange emails, grab pizza, work together on their engagement session, and even exchange Christmas cards.  By the time we get to the wedding day, we have usually met in person twice and exchanged dozens of emails; 21st century pen-pals.

I know the style of photos I want, and I know that this is the same style of photos my client wants!  We want un-posed.  We want real.  We want emotional.  And honey, there ain’t no way to get that on a wedding day without a prior relationship—- and trust.

So why is this un-posed style the timeless favorite?  And what even is it?  Let me lay it all out for you- when I aim for un-posed, I am looking for the little fraction of a second shows true personality.  Maybe I have just told my couple to walk towards each other and embrace.  Awesome.  Lovely!  Beautiful photo.  But I don’t have what I want.  So I tell the groom to whisper sweet nothings into his bride’s ear– and I say it just like that!– and I get the most lovely, real life reaction of laughter and joy.  Because come on, did you ever expect your wedding photographer to say that?  So now I have the groom saying “ummm ummmmm” and the bride cracks a megawatt smile and pulls her face away, laughing with her twinkling eyes locked on her husband.  And that is it.  That’s the photo.  It’s the one that has captured the essence of a relationship.  And it’s the one that will bring all the feels.

This isn’t to say that every photo is laugh out loud funny, this was simply an example of how I work to capture the little in between moments— the ones my couples don’t expect me to capture!  And for the sake of this post, laughter is what I will focus on.

At it’s core, “un-posed posing” is a way of bringing photojournalism to portraits and it’s just about my favorite thing.It’s not everyone’s style…. and thank goodness!  I love variety.  If every photographer was a clone of me, 1) I would be out of a job and 2) photography would be so incredibly boring.  The way I see it, life is un-posed…. and it’s pretty great that way.

sunbury-vineyard-pennsylvania-wedding-photography-photo_3092peoples-light-pennsylvania-wedding-photography-photo_3137bride and groom walk in the raincelia and john pose on the front porch of their bloomsburg apartment during their engagement sessionwest chester wedding photography_1825bride and groom in a field at the barn at hidden acres in bloomsburg pa

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Now Booking | 2017-2018 Wedding Photography | Pennsylvania Wedding Photography

Yesterday I hit my goal # of weddings for 2017…. 4 days into the year!  I’m amazed and honored.  This year is looking so great and I feel like every couple is my dream couple!  Every one!  I have found my niche and my ideal client is finding me as well.  I am able to book just a few more weddings in 2017 as part of my stretch goal and am now booking for 2018 as well in Philadelphia, Bloomsburg, North East PA, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, and beyond.  Wasn’t it just 2016?  Craziness….

Bride and groom walking through a vineyard in Pennsylvania wedding

Main Line Family Photography | McCabe Family

Once in a blue moon, everything with a family shoot will line up- sweet personalities, adorable pets, lovely weather, and golden sun rays.  When everything falls into place, some of my favorite family moments are created.


Main Line Family photography_1977

Continue reading “Main Line Family Photography | McCabe Family”

People’s Light and Theater Wedding | Heather and Jim

People's light wedding photography_1927

We stood around the kitchen island, dipping chip after chip into cream cheese dip.  It was Monday, a night us girls gathered with pot luck food to indulge in our favorite guilty pleasure: The Bachelor.  Judge if you want, but with our hectic schedules, this weekly dating saga brought us together like glue.  We would usually gather a bit early to eat and catch up and of course discuss online dating.  I always loved hearing Heather’s stories about the first dates she went on.  Yet unlike so many who try online dating, Heather stuck with it.  This particular night, I waited to hear about the latest email or awkward dinner, but instead, Heather smiled and said, “Sooooo…. I met someone.”

From the first mention of Jim, I knew he was different.  My opinion was solidified when he soon began joining us on Monday nights.  Any guy who suffers through The Bachelor just to spend time with their girlfriend is worth it in my books.  With a message in a bottle and a diamond ring many months later, the rest is history.

Jim and Heather were married at People’s Light and Theater in Malvern on a warm June Sunday.  When Jim gave Heather a card just before the ceremony, I was amazed to see a handful of pages slip from the envelope.  As Heather read in silence, she explained that Jim had photocopied every journal entry he had made after each of their dates.  He knew, you see.  He knew from the start.

With palms raised to the sky, eyes closed, and hymns ringing through the garden at People’s Light and Theater, Heather and Jim stood before their dearest friends and family and vowed to love and honor each for eternity. Continue reading “People’s Light and Theater Wedding | Heather and Jim”