2015 | A year in review | Behind the scenes

*cue squeal*

THIS IS MY FAVORITE POST OF THE YEAR!!! I always love looking through files after each wedding and seeing the behind the scenes shots.  When a wedding is complete, everything looks prim and polished.  No one really sees the throwaways- all the photos where the photographers are photo bombing, or where a certain pregnant belly got in the way 🙂  Well, in honor of my end of the year tradition, here is the behind the scenes reel from 2015!

  1. This arm is not mine- but it’s a special one!  It’s the right hand of my right hand lady.  This marks 3 years shooting weddings with Danielle, and honestly, I can’t imagine NOT shooting weddings with her.  I hope that day is very very far away.

behind the scenes wedding photography_0997

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