Wedding Photography Tips : How to Organize Your Clients and Your Business

I am not organized.  Let me repeat that : I am not organized.  My work space is cluttered, my closet is…. well, don’t open it, and my receipts stay tucked in a box until tax season.  It takes a lot of work for me to be organized, but I know it is a priority.  My clients need to count on me, they need to know that I have information they have given me.  Not only that, they need to know that I know what information to ask them!  ]

Until recently, I as wasting a lot of time sending emails asking for information, then follow up emails asking for more information, etc.  It can be exhausting with so many clients, and I was tired of it.  I started making fillable PDF’s for different topics, and not only do I love it, so do my clients.  It helps me keep everything sorted (plus, I can send the file to my second shooter— bonus!), it instills confidence in my clients, and it leads to a better overall flow on a wedding day.

To all of my fellow photographers out there, don’t reinvent the wheel each time you send out an email.  Here are a few pages from the PDF I send out about 6 weeks before the wedding day.  Hope this helps someone!  Click below to see:


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How to Use Rain on Your Wedding Day | Bloomsburg Wedding Photography

Bride and groom kiss under an umbrella on their wedding day in Berwick Pennsylvania

This year has been particularly rainy on the weekends, and nearly half of my weddings have been shot in the rain.  I know it is a major fear and concern for any bride and groom, but in my opinion, rain is harshly judged.  It often alters our plans and forces us to reinvent the day, which can lead to moments we never would have discovered!  I always try and see things in the best light, so I will share with you some of the reasons I truly believe rain is a blessing and not a curse.  Now I am not talking about hurricane force rain, but your normal, everyday rain storm.  It definitely should not be cause to ruin your day, and here’s why;

Rain drops create amazing effects on lenses (BE CAREFUL!!!)

Clouds= diffusers from God.

Rain is romantic!

Rainy days make colors more vibrant

Rain often leads to fog which is stunning in photographs

Rain slows things down and helps create a quiet, peaceful atmosphere.

No wedding will EVER be perfect, and the imperfections are what make it special.  Don’t let rain cast a cloud on the memories of your day!  Embrace the challenges and the beauty.  It may be a little harder to see at first, but it’s still there. Continue reading “How to Use Rain on Your Wedding Day | Bloomsburg Wedding Photography”